Ulrike@GLAMhack21: Imperfect data and a very different cosmic thought.

“[…] I would like to describe that there is also an added value for the sciences in the other direction and that exciting learning from each other can take place, especially in methodology, e.g. in ArtScience labs. Your [Sylvia Petrovic-Majer] focus is on data and data sharing, and I would assign that to each of the three areas, i.e. topic, methodology and cooperation.”

This year, astrophysicist Ulrike Kuchner is accompanying the Kulturhackathon 2021 with her thoughts and research questions between science and art. In another episode of the  Open_Culture_Cast (available from October), we will look at how she uses imperfect data to soften the boundaries between the two traditional concepts. What expertise is needed both in the field of science to make the data accessible and how digital know-how can help artists to use this data will be explored with the participants in the cultural hackathon.e Registration is already open!

Galaxies move and change in the universe over billions of years and contract into a gigantic network, the cosmic web. The questions about the properties, conditions and interactions of the various components of this web , which Ulrike Kuchner explores as an astronomer, can be reinterpreted as overarching questions for social-global themes of the cultural hackaton.



At the same time as studying astrophysics, Ulrike studied painting at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Since graduating, she has also worked as an artist, curator and researcher in the interdisciplinary field of ArtScience (the field of contemporary art that combines art and science) on her own and in cooperation with others. After completing her PhD in astrophysics and several research stays around the world, she is now based in the UK, from where she pursues and combines her two passions.