

Der dritte Kulturhackathon nimmt Anlauf UND erweitert sein Repertoire! XChange Reality! Exploring the Future of Current Challenges with Augmented and Virtual Reality | 27-30 April 2020, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences Digitale…


"Es braucht mehr Lebendigkeit!" Das wollen wir als Auftakt nehmen, um dieses Pilotprojekt zu starten - der Podcast zu offener Kultur für Mensch und Technik: Open_Culture_Cast Das Pilotprojekt umfasst drei Teile, die sich dem Thema #Digital…

New Ways of Approaching Cultural Learning!

We are in the midst of a challenging time. Museums are closed and they have to experiment with new ways to bring their content to their visitors and users. This strengthens the turn to digital media for mediation of art…

The European Time Machine and Time Traveling Objects of Cultural Heritage

Keynote Speech on Wednesday, 29 April 2020, 5:30 pm by Jacqueline Klusik-Eckert (FAU Erlangen) - A New Face! © Time Machine Organisation A New Age for Social Sciences and Humanities As a European initiative, time machine…

Effective Open Data & Soft: Knowledge Transfer that Boosts Computer Skills in the Americas

Keynote Speech on Monday, 27 April 2020, 5 pm by Arturo Sánchez (CERN) "Empowering People by Open Data" ...that is what CERN is doing by opening up their data. Arturo Sánchez will speak about the highest-energy particle-collision data…